‘Intergenerational practice aims to bring people together in purposeful, mutually beneficial activities which promote greater understanding and respect between different generations and contributes to building more cohesive communities. Intergenerational practice is inclusive, building on the positive resources that the younger and older generations have to offer each other and those around them.’
(Beth Johnson Foundation, 2009).
Intergenerational activity is about more than bringing younger and older people together. It is a systemic approach to community development and wellbeing that recognises and values the contribution of all generations who live there. We all have a role in supporting the growth of intergenerational approaches collaboration.
News and Information
Centre for Intergenerational Practice, Research & Development (England)
The Beth Johnson Foundation, in partnership with Apples & Honey Nightingale are revitalising the CIPRD: Centre for Intergenerational Practice, Research & Development (England).
We are delighted to share the CIPRD briefing paper describing our vision for a community of practice that develops intergenerational leaders in a range of communities and setting across England. Please join us in this shared initiative by signing up here.
Click here to download our Briefing paper.
Contact us at: [email protected]
Global Intergenerational Week 2024
The BJF celebrated #GIW24 by launching a film around play across the ages. A collaboration with Keele University and St Johns School, it enabled a group of children to work with a group of older members here at the BJF to explore experiences of play and to learn from each other about similarities across the ages. We launched the short film at the School (including versions with/without subtitles) as part of Global intergenerational Week , followed by a celebratory munch and mingle with parents, children, members from the University and BJF.
Film with sub-titles: https://youtu.be/ns8CzWtBo5g
Film without sub-titles: https://youtu.be/ns8CzWtBo5g
Global Intergenerational Week 2023
Well, it was a hugely successful week, but quite tiring! Here at the Beth Johnson Foundation our key event was a storytelling session facilitated by Alan Barrett, local actor and storyteller. We had 10 local school children from St John’s school and around 10 older community members who spent a morning telling stories, sharing stories and creating new stories. It was great fun and the time went really quickly.
We also made a film to start our exploration of good faith and intergenerational experiences, and we filmed a conversation entitled Strengthening faith through generations: In conversation with Lloyd Cooke, Saltbox, Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire, England.
We also launched a presentation entitled ‘Parks, playtimes and age friendly partnerships: An intergenerational pilot study’. This is a presentation of research in progress, Keele University, The Beth Johnson Foundation and St Johns School, CE, Stoke on Trent, England.
So the week might have come to fruition, but our intergenerational projects continue with renewed energy and excitement. Thank you to everyone who participated during this week to celebrate the growth of intergenerational practice across the globe.
The report of the Global Intergenerational Week 2023 is available to read below.
Storytelling in Practice is an informative flipbook from the Centre for Intergenerational Practice Research and Development (CIPRD).
The flipbook is available to read HERE

Global Intergenerational Week returned for 2023 and was bigger than ever! One week, 15 Countries, Hundreds of Events. There was something for everyone during GIW23.
The GIW23 Report is available to read HERE

Global Intergenerational Week 2022 was a success with many organisations, from many different countries taking part. The report from the lead organisation, Generations Working Together is available now to read.
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