In 2022 the Beth Johnson Foundation invited a number of organisations who support older people in our communities, working locally and nationally, to join us for the first meeting of the Ageing Well Partnership. This new Partnership has gone from strength to strength, growing in ambition and in our commitment to continue working together to listen to the voices of older people.
Members of the 15 participating Ageing Well Partnership organisations include:

1. Alzheimer’s Society
2. Age UK
3. Approach Dementia Support
4. Age Friendly Stoke
5. Beat the Cold
6. Beth Johnson Foundation (BJF)
7. Honeycomb Group
8. Keele University
9. Methodist Housing Association (MHA)
10. New Vic Theatre
11. North Staffordshire Pensioners Convention
13. Saltbox
14. VAST
15. Young at Heart (Father Hudson’s Care)

The Ageing Well Partnership share and discuss local concerns, challenges and potential collaborative solutions within our communities. Our first step was to listen to older people living in our communities and to hear what they think and to hear what they are experiencing.
Living in Stoke on Trent following the pandemic is likely to be very different than it was before the pandemic. The pandemic influenced and impacted our lives in ways that we could never have imagined, particularly on our ageing communities. Whilst one could make considered estimates as to what the key challenges were currently facing our older local, population, members of the Ageing Well Partnership (AWP) were collectively curious to know just what the key challenges were for our ageing communities; what would help to alleviate such challenges; what did healthy ageing mean to individuals, by engaging with them directly. Subsequently a simple four-point questionnaire was developed by the group, to enable a wider consultation opportunity. The aim of this consultation was to explore current perceptions of our local communities in Stoke on Trent. This report contains collated responses from the consultation questionnaires, as discussed and agreed by all member organisations of the AWP meeting on April 19, 2023.
Please click on the link to view the Ageing Well Partnership report AWP consultation FINAL Report Approved 16th August 2023
or click on the image below