Current Issues
We focus on current issues facing older people: topics of interest written by BJF staff and volunteers, helping to inform our practice and direction as a charity going forward. We also feature guest articles, reports, and headlines that amplify the voices of older people in our community.

Health Literacy and Positive Ageing
Why is health literacy an important aspect of positive ageing? Introduction “England’s population is ageing. In the next 25 years,

New GIW24 Film Launched!
#GIW24, Global Intergenerational Week is coming around again and a new film is launched. The collaborative film was designed to

Ageing as Adventure Conference Invite
You are invited to a unique conference: a collaboration between the University of the Third Age (Cambridge), the Creative Ageing Special Interest

Chief Medical Officer’s Annual Report 2023: Health in an Ageing Society
‘We need to recognise and reflect in policy and medical practice where older people are concentrated geographically, increase clinicians’ generalist

Women Carers and Later Retirement: Wider impact on families and support
The changes to women’s pension age were necessary to equalise the payment of pensions to men and women, however the

Learning to live with, and without, dementia: Two personal perspectives
Receiving the news of any life threatening or potentially life limiting condition is likely to impact hugely on individuals, family and friends.

To find out more about the services on this page:
Contact us using our online form, or call us on: +44 (0)1782 844036