Bereavement Friendship
You don’t need to be alone with your grief.
There is no guidebook for grief. Everyone is different, and no two people will experience grieving in the same way. From numbness to anger, from disbelief to guilt, there’s no set pattern to the grieving process. Everything can seem more difficult following a bereavement. Many people find it is not something they get over, but it is something they learn to live with. Talking openly to others who have experienced bereavement can help you re-connect with people, reduce feelings of isolation, and provide support to build a life around your loss.
The Beth Johnson Foundation Bereavement Friendship Project offers free 1:1 telephone befriending and group social support opportunities for people aged 50+ living in Stoke-on-Trent or North Staffordshire. We can offer help with information on coping with both the emotional and practical aspects of losing a relative or friend; a chance to chat to trained volunteers; and an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation. Download our leaflet to find out more about how we can help.
Grief has no time limit.
When someone close dies we may grieve for them for a very long time. Even when we think we have finished with grieving something may remind us of our loss and bring back feelings of grief. We recognise that grief has no time limit and we welcome people to our group regardless of how long ago the bereavement took place.
“It helps to share my experience and hear other people’s stories”
It’s good to talk
Our telephone befriending service offers a chance to chat to trained volunteers who can provide a listening ear and emotional support, helping you to re-connect and build up the confidence to join our groups.
A telephone befriender is a trained volunteer who will call you on a regular basis at the times we have agreed with you. Our befrienders do not provide a counselling service, but they are good listeners. They will talk to you about your bereavement and whatever is on your mind. This can help relieve feelings of loneliness and isolation. We will also explore options for you to join in our social groups to share support with others affected by bereavement.
Share emotional support, talk about your experiences, access useful information
The Bereavement Friendship Groups are developed on the basis of peer support, and create a social space where people are able to support each other. Our groups meet once a month at community venues in Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffs. Please see our flyer or contact us for more details. Or you can join our online group using your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Trained staff and volunteers will welcome people joining the groups and can provide tech support if needed to help access our online meetings.
We are always keen to hear from volunteers who would like to help with this project, please use the contact details below or follow this link to our Volunteering Page
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To find out more about the services on this page:
Call: Amanda Carter 01782 844036 or send us a message – Contact Us