
Social Prescribing

What is Social Prescribing?

Social prescribing – sometimes referred to as community referral – is a means of enabling GPs, nurses and other health and care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services.

Social Prescribing can help with things that cannot be fixed by doctors and medicine alone.

If you have a problem that is not medical, it can be a way of helping you to connect to the most appropriate support. It can help you to find ways to feel more in control and part of your community.

Some GP practices and health centres have specialist Social Prescriber Link Workers that help connect people with local community activities and services that can improve their health and wellbeing. 

“It’s been really nice to have someone to talk things through with, it’s helped me get things in perspective”

How can Social Prescribing help you?

Your Social Prescriber Link Worker will talk with you to understand your needs then discuss what is available to help and support you.

The idea behind social prescribing is to help you have more control over your own health and wellbeing and find ways to improve how you feel in a way that suits you.

Studies show that patients with Social Prescribers get better and feel better faster than those treated by medicine alone. NHS England

Social prescribing schemes can involve a variety of activities which are typically provided by voluntary and community sector organisations. Examples include volunteering, arts activities, group learning, gardening, befriending, cookery, healthy eating advice and a range of sports

Signposting support examples:

  • Social isolation – Befriending, local groups and activities
  • Financial – CAB, debt management etc
  • Social care and carer support
  • Mental wellbeing signposting
  • Independent living – support in the home
  • Volunteering/employment/education
  • Healthy lifestyle choices – physical activity, nutrition and quitting smoking

To find out more about the services on this page:

You can access social prescribing by calling the GP practice where you are registered

Or send us a messageContact Us

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