
Engagement & Involvement

At the Beth Johnson Foundation, we believe that everyone has the potential to make a positive contribution to our community. We aim to promote the voices of older people and to recognise the wisdom and valuable contributions you make to our society, across diverse populations.

Engaging and involving older people is at the heart of our work.  In recognition of the importance of working alongside older community members, we have established a working group which will take actions to encourage and enable more participation and involvement from both current BJF group members and the wider community.

Your views and ideas are important to us and we will be undertaking regular listening and engagement events throughout the year, where you will be able to share your thoughts, suggestions and concerns.

“Our opinions are respected,  you hear us and listen to us”

“You encourage us to get involved and keep us engaged”

The workshops and discussions will take place in BJF groups and with individuals and may focus on particular subjects or events.  Your feedback will help us to understand the main issues and concerns facing older people today.

Our BJF Advisory Group includes older community members who wish to get involved and to share their views and ideas.  The Advisory Group is consulted and involved in the establishment of new BJF projects, promotions, events and the evaluation of existing projects.

We are continually learning from our practice and from older community members and your feedback and ideas continue to strongly influence the future direction of the Beth Johnson Foundation.

Read the BJF Listening and Engagement report:

What does Positive Ageing mean to you?


During the pandemic we wanted to check that health messages were effective and appropriate for older people, we asked BJF group members and volunteers:

Community Health Champion Consultation, Autumn 2021


We also engage with people and organisations working in our local commmunity and nationally. We formed an Ageing Well Partnership to bring our work with older people together where we can. We share and discuss local concerns, challenges and potential collaborative solutions within our community.

Read the Ageing Well Partnership report:
  1. What is important to you at the moment, living in Stoke on Trent?
  2. What services would make your life easier and better, and say why?
  3. What does ageing well mean to you?
  4. What do you see as the barriers to ageing well? 

Community Consultation report, August 2023

To find out more about the services on this page:

Check for upcoming events and workshops – Events Page

Or send us a messageContact Us

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