
Our Mission and Values

Our mission

The Beth Johnson Foundation (BJF) share the voice of older people and push for positive changes in our communities. We will inform and influence the continuing dialogues around good practice as people age. We will inform and support ageing communities through critically consolidating local, national and international evidence and good practice. We work alongside others to promote equality, welcome diversity, and ensure a creative approach to the constant innovation of service delivery.
We will research, influence and promote a ‘whole life course’ approach, acting as a catalyst for new initiatives that build resilience and promote positive ageing, specifically through life’s challenges. We encourage people of all ages to connect, challenge stereotypes and engage with each other in new ways – for the benefit of all.

Our vision

A world where people live healthy, happy and fulfilled lives as they age; can access appropriate support when they need it; and continue to make valuable contributions to their communities.

Our values

Our values underpin how we work as an organisation and as individuals within it.

  • We are visionaryWe explore internationally issues to inform local practice. We envisage and strive for a fair and just society that places equal value on people regardless of their age and where age is not a barrier to opportunity and happiness.
  • We are ambitious. We are primarily a local organisation, but aim to expand our national and international connections by informing national strategies and policy around ageing. Through challenges, we explore opportunities, to enable and empower positive ageing.
  • We are honest and trustworthy. We are transparent, communicate clearly, taking responsibility for both successes and challenges. We remain accountable to our communities, our clients, our partners and our funders.
  • We are independent. We are an independent charity, grounded in the local communities we serve, but with national and international ambitions. We use our voice to challenge and inspire change in health and social care services, public policy and attitudes surrounding those aged 50 years+.
  • We value people of all ages.  A mature community is one that recognises that all generations have something to offer and to gain by living, working and learning together. Known as intergenerational activity, which we encourage and support wherever possible.
  • We value partnerships. We work with others, forging and building relationships based on trust, openness, mutual value and personal and organisational integrity. Engaging communities will enable us to shape our support to meet local needs.

Our ‘age-friendly’ Vision

We want to see the UK, and Europe, become truly age-friendly.

What is ‘age-friendly’?

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO)…

An age-friendly city encourages active ageing by optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. In practical terms, an age-friendly city adapts its structures and services to be accessible to and inclusive of older people with varying needs and capacities.

In 2007, WHO established the Age-Friendly Cities scheme, which offers a guide on how to build age-friendly communities, and a formal accreditation to cities that meet and work to these guidelines. The Beth Johnson Foundation has adopted this concept of age-friendliness, and it is our aim to help establish the whole of the UK, and the rest of Europe, as age-friendly, both in policy and in practice.

WHO’s guide to making communities age-friendly includes eight areas of focus, which are:

  • Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Social Participation
  • Respect and Social Inclusion
  • Civic Participation and Employment
  • Communication and Information
  • Community Support and Health Services

BJF is particularly focused on the social and health-related aspects of making communities age-friendly.

For more information about the Age-Friendly Cities scheme, visit the World Health Organisation website

To find out more about the information on this page:

For more information about the Age-Friendly Cities scheme, visit the World Health Organisation website

Or you can Contact us using our online form.

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