
Bereavement Friendship Groups

Unfortunately, there is no guidebook for grief. Everyone is different, and no two people will experience grieving in the same way. From numbness to anger, from disbelief to guilt, there’s no set pattern to the grieving process. Everything can seem more difficult following a bereavement. Many people find it is not something they get over, but it is something they learn to live with. Talking openly to others who have experienced bereavement can help you re-connect with people, reduce feelings of isolation, and provide support to build a life around your loss.

Our group sessions provide an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation, and to find information on coping with both the practical and emotional aspects of losing a relative or friend. The Beth Johnson Foundation does not offer a counselling service but we can refer you to local counselling services if this is what you need.

Sessions start in September. Check back soon for more information!


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