
Covid-19 update
As the world is slowly adjusting to transitioning from the ferocious pandemic, we will all be reflecting on the impact and sense of loss that this has left on us all. Through our work here at the Beth Johnson Foundation, We recognise that for some older people, there is still a reluctance to leave the sanctuary and safety of their own homes. Here at the Beth Johnson Foundation, we too are slowly picking up the threads of the organisation as we were before the pandemic started in March 23rd, 2020.

From 19th October, staff will be returning to Parkfield House, and we will be holding meetings and warmly welcoming external visitors, volunteers and clients as previously. We will continue to take reasonable and sensible precautions throughout the house (maintaining good ventilation etc.), to minimise the spread of any nasty virus and germs. However, we fully appreciate that some members of our local communities would prefer not to meet face-to-face, so as always, we will be guided by our clients and offer both virtual and direct contact meetings where preferred.

It appears that we all now have to learn to live with Covid-19 and all that this entails, but it may take a while for us all to feel comfortable as we adjust to a new way of living and working. Providing we do not see an increase in the number of cases, or receive UK Government guidance around restrictions and isolation, we are now fully functioning again!
We want to thank you all for your patience over the last 18 months, and look forward to welcoming you all through our projects and community activities as we approach the festive season.

Prof Sue Read, CEO, BJF

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